Espresso in first place – This is how much coffee Austrians drink every day

Austrians drink around 2.6 cups of coffee every day. According to a new survey, women drink an average of 2.48 cups, while men drink a little more at 2.83 cups. Espresso is the most popular drink across all genders.

73.4 percent of Austrians drink at least one coffee a day. 45.9 percent enjoy the hot drink several times a day.These are the results of a survey conducted by the market research institute GfK on behalf of Tchibo among around 1,000 people. “Coffee capital Vienna” is lagging behindAccording to the survey, the western federal state cluster with Tyrol, Vorarlberg and Salzburg is in the lead, followed by the eastern cluster with Lower Austria and Burgenland. The “coffee capital Vienna” is slightly behind in a federal state comparison with 2.49 cups drunk per day compared to Austria as a whole with 2.65 cups.Age groupsThe 50 to 59 age group drinks the most coffee at 3.16 cups per day. The 15 to 29 year olds drink the least at 2.12 cups. Coffee is prepared in fully automatic machines, especially in multi-person households. The beans are preferably bought in the supermarket (78.2 percent), followed by the coffee manufacturer’s branch (23.7 percent) and online (11.6 percent). The largest proportion, 22.8 percent, do not want to pay more than 12.99 euros for a kilo, but 15.8 percent are willing to spend almost 20 euros per kilogram. Although price is a criterion when choosing the variety (39 percent), taste has an even greater influence on the purchase decision (78.2 percent). This is followed by the preparation method, the brand and the growing conditions.
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