Ethereum 2.0: the amount of ETH in staking reaches a new record

New data from Glassnode has revealed that the ETH blocked count for Ethereum has reached a new high of 8,875,394 coins.

According to new data released by Glassnode on January 3, 2022, 8,875,394 ETH is now staked into depositary contracts for Ethereum 2.0, which equates to the current price of around $ 33 billion. Just six months earlier, in July, that number was around ETH 6.6 million, up more than 32%.

Likewise, over the same period, the number of validators on the network increased from 200,121 to 276,197.

Ethereum, one of the promising crypto for 2022

This steadily growing data is helping to testify to bullish sentiment towards Ethereum, with many relying heavily on the deployment of Ethereum 2.0, which is expected to take place at the end of 2022 – if at least the project does not suffer. no further delays. On a related note, on New Years Eve, further data from Glassnode revealed that the number of Ethereum wallets had just hit a new record high of 71,364,788.

Beyond the upcoming merger of ETH 1 with ETH 2 and the move to the proof of stake consensus mechanism (proof-of-stake), the growing popularity of the Ethereum network and its associated crypto could be largely due to the boom in NFTs (non-fungible tokens), which have taken center stage for most of 2021, and which are mainly issued and based on the ETH network.

At the time of writing, according to data from CoinGecko, ETH is trading at $ 3,751, down 1.2% from the previous day on January 2, 2022.


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