Europeans: Glucksmann calls for placing him 2nd to break the Macron-RN “deadly duel”

PS-Place publique candidate Raphaël Glucksmann on Wednesday called on voters to place him in second position, ahead of Valérie Hayer to “turn the page on the deadly duel” between the National Rally announced largely in the lead and the Macronist camp.

“The message will be all the stronger if we are carried by the voters in second place,” said the MEP on France 2, wishing to show that “there is another alternative to the extreme- right than Macron and another alternative to Macron than the extreme right. Criticizing on BFMTV-RMC an executive who is “kidnapping” the European elections through its omnipresence in the media, something “impossible in all European countries”, he predicted that “it no longer works”.

The gap with Valérie Hayer of only one point according to polling institutes

“They will not be able to permanently reestablish this match between Emmanuel Macron and the far right because we have shown that there is another way,” explained Raphaël Glucksmann, recalling that at the start of the campaign “ten points ” separated him from Valérie Hayer in voting intentions. And addressing voters: “it is your responsibility (…) you can turn the page on this deadly duel which is suffocating us”.

According to the different polling institutes, the gap between the list led by Raphaël Glucksmann and that of Valérie Hayer is around one point, i.e. the margin of error. “He’s the Nupes candidate,” the latter retorted on RTL. Accusation denied by the person concerned: once the European election has passed, “I will be the guardian that there is no change” of the course set during the campaign, that is to say the clear break with La France insoumise .

Rebellious France also targeted

“We do not agree on Europe, we do not agree on the construction of European defense, we do not agree on Vladimir Putin, we do not agree on the fact of whether or not to qualify Hamas as a terrorist organization, we do not agree on the relationship to democracy and on the relationship to violence, to the brutalization of public debate,” he recalled.

In this regard, he criticized the action of ten rebellious deputies, ecologists and communists who came Tuesday dressed in red, green, white and black in the hemicycle, in support of the Palestinians. “It’s the TikTokization of political life, it’s the cult of buzz,” he denounced.

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