Europeans: “If I come out on top on Sunday evening, I will ask for the dissolution of the Assembly,” warns Jordan Bardella

Three days before the European elections, the head of the National Rally (RN) list, Jordan Bardella, is credited with more than 30% of voting intentions according to the various opinion surveys, well ahead of his political adversaries. If he comes out on top on Sunday evening, the president of the flame party assures him, he will ask for the dissolution of the National Assembly.

52% of French people in favor of dissolving the National Assembly in the event of defeat of the majority in the European elections

“If I come out on top on Sunday evening, I will ask for one thing: the dissolution of the National Assembly,” he warned. According to our CSA survey for Europe 1, CNews and The Sunday Journal, 52% of French people think that Emmanuel Macron must dissolve the National Assembly if the list of the presidential majority is defeated in the European elections. 47% are against and 1% do not comment.

“Emmanuel Macron, Sunday evening at the Élysée, he is going to look at only one thing. He is not going to look at the score of the Republicans, he is not going to look at the score of Reconquest either!. He is going to look at the score of the National Rally and above all, he will measure the gap that there will be between the National Rally list and the list of its candidate. So, the gap between our two lists must be as strong and as significant as possible,” supports Jordan Bardella.

“There is a hidden project on the part of Emmanuel Macron”

“Behind Sunday’s vote, there is a hidden project on the part of Emmanuel Macron. If Emmanuel Macron does not come very far behind the National Rally list, he will feel himself growing wings and he will accelerate,” declared the president of the RN, denouncing the government’s future measures.

“They increased electricity prices by 10% in February, they plan to increase gas prices by 10% on July 1, they want to cut unemployment insurance, they want to deindex retirement pensions on “inflation”, he listed. The latest measure considered by the executive aims to make savings in the state budget but the executive knows this measure is unpopular. For the moment, even if France’s rating has gone from AA to AA-, by the S&P rating agency, Bruno Le Maire persists and signs, no decision has been taken.

For Jordan Bardella, these European elections are the only opportunity for the French people “to express their anger and their expectations with regard to Emmanuel Macron’s policies”. “The French must make their anger heard to make them back down […] abstaining on Sunday means voting for Macron. Scattering your votes on Sunday on lists that cannot win also means strengthening Macron because Emmanuel Macron is obsessed with one thing, the score of the National Rally,” he said.

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