Eva Queen: this heavy back operation that will disrupt her participation in DALS

This Friday, September 9, Eva Queen took her first steps on the Dancing floor with the stars. But unlike her opponents, the singer has to deal with health problems. Indeed, a few years ago, the young woman had scoliosis surgery, which could well handicap her throughout the competition.

This Friday, September 9 marked the launch of season 12 of Dance with the stars. 12 new celebrities have thus begun to challenge each other on the floor of TF1. Among her, Eva Queen. And for the competition, the singer can count on the help of Jordan Mouillerac to allow her to ignite the track. After the duo’s first performance, Chris Marques still wanted to ask the young woman if she “could make a wave with his back”. And Eva Queen’s response allowed her to reveal that she suffered from serious health problems when she was younger. “No, because II had surgery for scoliosis and I have eighteen screws in my back”, she replied to the juror of the show. An announcement that the members of the jury did not expect, and which moved them a lot, in particular François Alu, who felt that he had been too severe in his scoring.

If she did not want to expand on the subject, the young woman of 21 had all the same agreed to confide at length on this subject two years ago. “Scoliosis is a deformation of the spine which affects many people, but at different levels. Instead of being straight, the spine makes an ‘S’ shape, either sideways or forwards, causing an arch. This remains to be monitored, especially for children. Mine was on its side and hit 45 and 50 degrees, she then explained in an Instagram story. After indicating that this scoliosis had been diagnosed when she was eight years old, the sister of Jazz confided that she had to resort to a radical solution to try to replace her spine without having surgery.

Eva Queen: “For two days, I only cried”

I had to wear a corset, but I wasn’t diligent enough. When I was little, I wore it very well, especially day and night at one time. It’s very hard to wear that all the time. It hurts my back a lot, but it’s important”she continued, before indicating that she had started to stop putting it around the age of 14-15, which had serious consequences: “All the work that I had done from the beginning gave way. As in addition I was in full growth, it went completely peanut. My scoliosis was progressive, it turned more and more.

At the age of 16, Eva Queen then went to see a surgeon for a check-up, and the result was clear: “I see the radio, I look at my mother and tell her: ‘I’m going to go, that’s for sure.’ I had never seen my scoliosis so twisted. The surgeon tells me that I have to operate, because each year, my curvature will take a degree more. I could have had lung problems. He explains to me that I have the right to refuse. I went home and for two days just cried. When you are told, at 16, that you are going to stay five hours in an operating theatre, that they are going to open your back, put your vertebrae back in place, put iron bars on you, screw your back and that there is always a risk, and that you have to be warned of this risk of being paralyzed, it’s hard to take”told the young singer.

Eva Queen: “I am proud to have the trace of what I lived behind my back”

Eva Queen therefore finally had to go on the operating table. She then had to respect a month of convalescence, and began a lot of rehabilitation work. But today, the young woman is proud of the fight she led. “At first, I wanted to remove my scar. But never in my life do I touch it. I assume it and I am proud to have the trace of what I experienced behind my back. She’s fat, but I don’t care“, she confided, even if she still feels pain today: “There are still a lot of things that hurt me. When it rains, my back feels rusty. I have adhesions: there are lots of places on my back, where when someone touches me, I can’t stand it”.

© Veeren -Christophe Clovis

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Eva Queen
This Friday, September 9 marked the launch of season 12 of Dancing with the Stars


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Eva Queen
12 new celebrities have thus begun to challenge each other on the floor of TF1.


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Eva Queen
Among her, Eva Queen. And for the competition, the singer can count on the help of Jordan Mouillerac to allow her to ignite the track.


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Eva Queen
After the duo’s first performance, Chris Marques still wanted to ask the young woman if she “could make a wave with her back”. And Eva Queen’s response allowed her to reveal that she suffered from serious health problems when she was younger.


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Eva Queen
“No, because I had surgery for scoliosis and I have eighteen screws in my back,” replied Eva Queen


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Eva Queen
If she did not want to expand on the subject, the young woman of 21 had all the same agreed to confide at length on this subject two years ago.

© Veeren -Christophe Clovis

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Eva Queen
“I had to wear a corset, but I wasn’t diligent enough. When I was little, I wore it really well, especially day and night at times. It’s very hard to wear it all the time. It hurts your back a lot, but it’s important”, explained Eva Queen


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Eva Queen
Eva Queen then had to have surgery for her scoliosis

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