Evelyn Burdecki: We celebrate her cellulite picture

A new picture on Evelyn Burdecki's Instagram picture is causing a stir. Evelyn and her friend Saranda can be seen at the "Lambertz Monday Night". They stand hand in hand at an angle to the camera and shine. Evelyn convinces with a pretty dress, which is embroidered with golden sequins. But it's not the elaborate piece of clothing or her radiant smile that strikes her fans, but the cellulite, which is very easily visible on her thighs.

"Finally one who stands by her body"

It's a shame that exactly this detail catches the eye of most people. The reason for this? Such unretouched pictures are unfortunately not common on Instagram, since most stars and influencers hide their cellulite, although orange peel is something very natural. However, it is all the better that Evelyn's honesty is incredibly well received by her fans. "CELLULLITE. Finally one who stands by her body and does not work. Bravo, Evelyn, you are beautiful," writes one user enthusiastically. We also think: More of it please! After all, authentic pictures and honesty on Instagram have never harmed anyone.

Who is Evelyn Burdecki? facts and figures

  • Evelyn Burdecki is a German reality show participant and it girl
  • Evelyn Burdecki was born on September 20, 1988
  • Evelyn Burdecki took part in "The Bachelor", "Let's Dance" and "I'm a Star Get Me Out of Here". She was even crowned the jungle queen.

Sources used: Instagram