“Even more wars on the horizon”: Zelensky warns of the Kremlin’s “madness.”

“More wars on the horizon”
Zelensky warns of the Kremlin’s “madness.”

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Ukraine has been defending itself against Russian invasion for almost two years. In view of the danger posed by the Kremlin, Volodymyr Zelensky appeals to international partners to stand together against Russia. Otherwise there could be a risk of further wars in the near future, warns the Ukrainian president.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has accused the Russian leadership of “madness” and warned of possible new wars in the world. “Because of the madness of the Russian leadership, all nations of the world are now facing a period of uncertainty and uncertainty,” Zelensky said in his evening video message broadcast in Kiev.

“It is becoming increasingly clear to the world that more wars could be on the horizon,” the president also wrote on the online platform “We have the strength to maintain normal life,” he said. The world can do it. “The strength must be used right now to stop Russia.”

Ukraine relies on arms and ammunition supplies from the West for its defense. Zelensky thanked international allies for their help. The most important goal is to equip the country with everything it needs to drive out the Russian occupiers.

The head of state also particularly paid tribute to the defenders for their fight for Ukraine; Zelensky once again honored the country’s “heroes” by handing over title deeds for apartments. At ceremonies in the presidential office, deserving soldiers or members of the security structures or the surviving relatives of fallen soldiers with hero status receive apartments from the state as a thank you.

Ukraine has been defending itself against the Russian war of aggression for almost two years with financial and military help from Western allies. Russian President Vladimir Putin gave the order to attack the neighboring country on February 24, 2022. Parts of the Ukrainian regions of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhia have since been occupied by Russian troops.

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