Everyday rituals for a relaxing weekend

Work five days, two days off – a fate that all full-time employees have to come to terms with for better or worse. Although it has been said for years that modern technologies should make our life easier and relieve us of work, our everyday life is felt to be more and more stressful and demanding. Because thanks to these technologies we can work more, faster and more flexibly – and "can" in this case usually means "must".

On the other hand, it seems inappropriate to complain. After all, we are doing extremely well in this country compared to people in other parts of the world, and we can be grateful to have a job at all (and "can" means "should" in this case).

So it means: accept fate and make the best of it! After all, we have two full days that are 100% available to us, when we can relax, pursue our hobbies and just do what we want. At least in theory. In practice, for most people, the weekends are jam-packed with all the annoying duties and to-dos that accumulate over the course of a week because we simply cannot manage them alongside work and possibly family.

From the weekly shopping on Saturday morning, where we stand in line for ages, to the big apartment cleaning on Sunday, for which we block the whole afternoon, we seldom find peace and quiet on the weekends. They pass by in a flash and before we know it it's Monday again, our two days off have turned into ticks on a to-do list and we start the new week stressed again.

The good news: It doesn't have to be that way! With a few tricks, some good organization, and most importantly the right habits and routines during the week, we can devote our weekends to them for real to have for us. Then the only thing left to do for our Saturday: Find out what we'd like to do with our time …

You can find the best tips on how you can relieve your weekend during the week in our gallery.