“Everyone thinks he’s dead but…”: this surprise update from Bruno Salomone on a famous comedian

Bruno Salomone was the guest of Télématin this Tuesday, May 17. The opportunity for him to evoke a famous comedian and give his news.

Bruno Salomone had things to tell this Tuesday, May 17. Guest on the set of Telematin, he chained the confidences including one on a famous comedian, which was very unexpected. In the 1990s, he formed, with Eric Massot, Eric Collado, Manu Joucla and Jean Dujardin, the famous troupe We C We. A moment he never forgot and which was mentioned on the show. “We always see each other, of course“, he first said before adding: “We are friends for life. We are condemned to know each other until the end“. Happy to see these images again, he then clarifies: “It’s a great story, because we were really friends. It’s not something that’s been made“. For her part, Julia Vignali reminds him that he is “friend with a guy who got an Oscar“, referring to Jean Dujardin. To which the principal concerned retorts: “I had a Popeck“. An unexpected statement, which surprises Thomas Sotto a lot. Faced with the surprise of the journalist, Bruno Salomone adds: “No just kidding. I make jokes too, it’s not just you“before evoking Popeck.”Everyone thinks he’s dead but he’s not. Go see his new show. Here, I advertise it”he concluded, still very amused.

After mentioning Popeck, Bruno Salomone wanted to mention another well-known personality. Indeed, he explains that he has a memorable memory with Michael Jackson. “I was working at Disney at the time because you had to make a good living“, he was first amused. While a photo is broadcast, on which we can see Goofy and the American singer, Bruno Salomone explains that it is not him under the costume. “I would have liked“, he admits before providing details on the circumstances of this meeting. “I was the first European Dingo and I can tell you that I am proud of it. In fact, we were doing a promotional tour all over Europe. He was in concert in Berlin and he came because he was a Disney fan“, he recalled. While he was in the Goofy costume, Bruno Salomone found himself face to face with Michael Jackson. “He asked us to take pictures. I shook his hand and he spoke to me, as Goofy, saying to me: “Goofy, I’m really glad to meet you” (Editor’s note: “I am delighted to meet you)”. For his part, Thomas Sotto says: “It’s still classy, ​​isn’t it?“. To which the principal concerned responds: “It’s class except that my name is Bruno but he felt that I was below“. wanting to reassure his guest, the journalist adds: “He was shy, he didn’t dare“.

Bruno Salomone: why has he recently uttered a rant?

Bruno Salomone will soon star in the TV movie In the Shadow of the Dunes, broadcast on France 3 on May 21. He will also be on stage in Avignon, and from September 30 at the Théâtre des Variétés in the play Au scalpel. Projects of which he is proud but which he had great difficulty in realizing, as he revealed a few days ago in the Télépro media. “I wrote several things but no one wants them. Everyone tells me it’s too crazy. I learned that you have to do something that already exists but cheaper to have a chance of being taken”, he initially regretted. Afterwards, he added: “When I write, I do not think budget but artistic. In the middle, there are quite a few who are businessmen. I’m not like that, I don’t make choices for money“, he concluded. That has the merit of being clear.


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