Exact measurement follows – light pollution around Vienna shines across Lower Austria

The Palmers high-rise in Wiener Neudorf will be transformed into the largest LED advertising medium in Europe at the beginning of 2022 and, at 1,020 square meters, will even exceed the size of the advertising space in Piccadilly Circus in London. Not a milestone for the critics of light pollution. “Our pain is great,” they complain.

“From March 2022, around 12 million eye contacts will be able to perceive radiant advertising messages on an impressive 1020 square meters. Bright LED panels ensure an advertising subject that is optimally visible day and night on the Südautobahn ”, cheer the project operators of Number One in Wiener Neudorf, Mödling district. Incidentally, the luminous monster is supposed to be powered by local green electricity and is – according to the catchy advertising slogan – “ideal for climate-neutral campaigns.” “Pain is great” But the mega project south of the federal capital should not only bring advantages. Experts fear that there could be massive deterioration, especially with regard to light pollution. Günther Wuchterl, head of the Kuffner observatory in Vienna and astronomer on the committee of the Starlight Oasis Großmugl, was concerned when asked by the “Krone”: “Our pain is great. After all, the radius of the Viennese light bell extends almost to the Ötscher “, explains Wuchter. Measurement planned Although there are still numerous places of retreat for light pollution in Austria – especially in the Alps – the metropolitan areas are not disconnected from global developments. “We do not know the exact framework conditions of the project, but large-scale projection surfaces have already performed particularly poorly in previous measurements,” says Wuchterl. At the beginning of next year, another measurement of light pollution is to take place in Vienna and the surrounding area, but the controversial project in Wiener Neudorf is still dark.
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