Exhausted US President: Biden nods off at climate conference

Exhausted US President
Biden nods off at the climate conference

First G20 meeting in Rome, now climate conference in Glasgow: US President Biden is currently completing a tight program. At the start of COP26, the 78-year-old seems exhausted. Cameras capture the moment when Biden’s eyes briefly close. The reaction in the network is accordingly.

US President Joe Biden visibly struggled with fatigue at the opening event of the UN climate conference COP26 in the afternoon in Glasgow, Scotland. A video circulating on Twitter shows the 78-year-old President of the United States closing his eyes several times while listening to a speech with his arms crossed. Only when a young man speaks to him does he seem a little more awake again. He claps at the end of the speech, but also rubs his eyes right away.

The recordings caused malice on the Internet. British journalist Pier Morgan tweeted, “Not the best impression trying to tell the world to wake up.” In the past presidential election campaign, predecessor Donald Trump had regularly ridiculed Biden as “Sleepy Joe” because of language dropouts. In doing so, he repeatedly accused his democratic challenger of a lack of physical and mental fitness.

Biden had just arrived from Rome today for the G20 summit to kick off the conference. In his speech he called on the heads of state and government to act. “We are at a turning point in world history,” said the 78-year-old. “We only have a short window of time ahead of us.” The US president went on to say: “Every day we wait, the cost of inaction increases.”

At the same time, Biden apologized for the withdrawal of his predecessor Trump from the Paris climate protection agreement. “I apologize for the fact that the United States withdrew from the Paris Agreement under the last administration.” The United States would do its part in the fight against climate change.

Biden pointed out that on his first day as president on January 20, he initiated the US return to the Paris climate agreement. The democrat has made the fight against climate change one of his most important goals. Biden sees the climate crisis as an existential threat to humanity.

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