Expensive one-of-a-kind – artist brings luxury Lambo from Dubai to Switzerland


A strikingly painted Lamborghini is causing a stir in Bern. The expensive sports car was brought from Dubai to Switzerland by an Arab artist.

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These great pictures were taken by the car spotter Janis, who runs the Insta channel swisscars.ch.

Instagram / swisscars.chh

The Lamborghini Aventador was painted and decorated by its owner, the Saudi Arabian artist Abdullah Qandeel.

The Lamborghini Aventador was bought by its owner, the Saudi Arabian artist Abdullah Qandeel, painted and decorated.

Instagram / swisscars.chh

34-year-old Abdullah Qandeel is an internationally known artist.

The 34 year old Abdullah Qandeel is an internationally known artist.


  • A Lamborghini costing 580,000 francs causes a sensation in Bern.

  • The sports car belongs to a Saudi Arabian artist who painted the car himself.

  • Perhaps he had the car delivered from Dubai to Switzerland.

Car lovers got their money’s worth on the weekend in front of the Hotel Schweizerhof in Bern. A strikingly painted Lamborghini with a Dubai license plate, which was discreetly prohibited from parking, drew everyone’s attention in the city center. According to Roland Gerber from the luxury car rental company La Macchina, a very rare sight: “To see this model on the street is something special. The owners of such a Lamborghini usually put it in a garage and only take it out two or three times a year to drive it out. “

Specifically, it is a Lamborghini Aventador SVJ, of which there are only 900 copies. “Such a car is extremely expensive. The car is currently being sold for around 580,000 francs, and the trend is rising, ”said Gerber. As 20 Minuten knows, the car belongs to the Saudi Arabian artist Abdullah Qandeel (34), whose oil paintings sell for tens of thousands of dollars. The artist has also painted his Lamborghini in the style of his pictures, as he shows on Instagram.

Did the Lambo come to Europe by ship?

But how does a Lamborghini get to the federal city from another continent? “As a rule, the cars are shipped in a container,” says Roland Gerber from La Macchina. This can quickly turn into money and is always associated with a certain risk: “There is of course the risk that the vehicle will get a scratch on such a trip.” Repairs to a supercar are generally expensive: “If you change the rim of a normal car, it costs between 200 and 300 francs. With a Lamborghini, the same service quickly costs 10,000 francs, ”says Gerber.

If the artist’s luxury Lambo comes through a police check in this country, it could possibly run into problems. “There are often things attached to foreign vehicles that are not permitted in Switzerland. Darkened side windows, for example, are prohibited. ” In the photos it is difficult to see whether the Lamborghini is on the road with darkened windows. In any case, the owner does not seem to have attached a valid vignette.

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