Fabien Roussel “dissociates himself” from Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s comments on the riots

The national secretary of the PCF, Fabien Roussel, indicated on Tuesday that he “dissociated himself” from the remarks of the leader of La France insoumise Jean-Luc Mélenchon on the riots after the death of the young Nahel killed by a police officer, provoking the anger of the rebellious . “I dissociate myself from the comments made by Jean-Luc Mélenchon and certain rebellious people, who refused to call for calm, some going so far as to say that this violence is legitimate, to the point of justifying it”, declared Fabien Roussel, during a press conference at PCF headquarters in Paris.

If he recognized that “we have a lot in common on the left on the return of public services, the need for more means for the municipalities, better salaries”, he explained that he did not want “the left to be assimilated to Jean-Luc Mélenchon. No. There are at least two lefts, his and ours,” he insisted. Fabien Roussel intends “to embody a left that defends social progress, republican values ​​and order and justice”.

The majority welcomes Fabien Roussel’s position

He who “never said”, unlike Jean-Luc Mélenchon, “that the police kill”, indicates that he does not want to “mix” the police “who have dangerous, racist behavior and the rest of the forces of the order”. The president of the LFI deputies, Mathilde Panot, declared during a press conference at the National Assembly to have “no lesson to receive” from Fabien Roussel, who “was in front of theNational Assembly with these same police unions (…) who said that the problem of the police is justice”.

In a tweet, the rebellious deputy Ugo Bernalicis denounced “the “shabby political attitude” of Fabien Roussel, who has only one “single goal: to take the media light”. The majority welcomed Fabien Roussel’s statements The Renaissance deputy, Sacha Houlié, praised his “lucidity and responsibility” in the face of the “shameful discourse of rebellious France”, and his colleague Mathieu Lefèvre underlined a “courageous and republican position taken”.

“The excesses and excesses” of the police unions

The national secretary of the PCF also criticized “the excesses and excesses” of the “police unions which treat the inhabitants of these neighborhoods as ‘harmful'”, “this kitty launched by support from Mr. (Eric) Zemmour” to help the family of the police officer who shot Nahel, but also “these right-wing and far-right leaders who equate the youth of these neighborhoods with looters, immigrants, and feed an ever-powerful racism”.

He presented a “national reconciliation plan for republican equality”, with “medium and short term measures”, such as the creation of 30,000 local police officers, more means for justice, but also the municipalities and the environment. associative.

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