Facebook Watch: There has never been a smartwatch like this before

Some new information has emerged about Facebook’s planned smartwatch. (Image source: GIGA)

The meta group formerly known as Facebook wants to enter the competitive smartwatch market. Something very special has probably been considered for this: the display and cameras should be able to be removed from the wrist. AR and VR seem to be taking center stage, fitting for the Metaverse.


Facebook Watch with detachable screen

Facebook has famously renamed itself Meta and is now working on the Metaverse, a 3D virtual world. A smartwatch that is completely different from previous models from the competition could also help when immersing yourself in this world. According to one report, have the display and cameras removed. The group has already secured a corresponding patent.

In the patent that has now been approved, the manufacturer speaks of a “removable camera block for a portable device”. Apparently, two models are planned, which differ in function and appearance. In addition to a square display, one variant should have a round screen. With the round model, the display can apparently be rotated, to select the most suitable camera (Source: LetsGoDigital).

The display of the smart watch should be detachable. Image: LetsGoDigital

Cameras will play an important role in the particular smartwatch. There should be three lenses integrated in the display. One is described Telephoto lens, a wide angle and a zoom lens. When removing the housing, the cameras are still available for photos and videos. Streaming options can be expected, as well as support for other VR and AR systems. This could include Head Mounted Displays (HMD) or Smart Glasses.

In the video: You should consider this before buying a smartwatch.

Smartwatch from Facebook even without a mobile phone companion

The Smartwatch should probably too be able to fully exploit all functions without an accompanying smartphone and provide their own mobile connection. In addition, some sensors for checking health values ​​should be installed. Among other things, the group could opt for a heart rate and body temperature sensor.

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