Fairytale! The name of the year has been chosen and this star baby is wearing it

So magical!
This star baby is the only one to have the name of the year 2021

Alec and Johanna Völkel

© Eventpress / Imago

The first name expert Knud Bielefeld has decided on a very special name this year, which he will crown the name of the year 2021 – and so far only one star baby has it.

Some people will probably know this name from the Brothers Grimm fairy tale “Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot”, as a first name outside of the fairy tale world it is rather rare. This year a very special girl was given this name, the daughter of “The BossHoss” singer Alec Völkel, 49, and his wife Johanna, 43.

The name was actually chosen by his son Charlie Joe, who was born in 2016. “We suggested Rosie to him because that was always my favorite name, and then he asked: ‘Why not Rosenrot’?” Revealed Johanna Völkel in an interview with “Bild”.

Alec and Johanna Völkel had to apply for their name

However, it was not that simple, the couple themselves could not find anyone in the world who already bore this name. Therefore, they had to apply to the Society for German Language for an expert opinion for names that had not yet been assigned. A linguist then gave the go – the first name is suitable for girls.

Knud Bielefeld suspects that the first child was named Rosenrot that year. Fairytale names are actually sometimes shortlisted by some parents. Snow White is theoretically also a recognized first name. Colors packed in first names are also not new, since the name Himmelblau was recognized in Germany.

With her name, the “The BossHoss” daughter will now be the pioneer for many more babies

There are plenty of rare first names, according to Bielefeld. There are more than 40,000 in his collection with only one entry and thousands more are added every year. Although many of these names are familiar and widespread, they are distinguished by their special spelling.

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan

The other half mostly consists of names that have their origins in other countries and are therefore noticeable in Germany. Rose red is very familiar, but it still stands out from the crowd. He can well imagine that many more children will be named Rosenrot in the near future: “That is why Rosenrot is the first name of the year 2021!”

This article first appeared on Firstname.com. There are many other name ideas and inspirations there.

Source used: blog.beliebte-vornamen.de by Knud Bielefeld


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