Fallout 76 presents its roadmap for 2024

Five years for seventeen million survivors. Big encouraging figures to conclude 2023 on a positive note and look to the future with hope. The new year will begin with the second half of the Atlantic City arc, entitled “America’s Playground”, which will leave the worm-eaten promenades of the casino city in March 2024 to go hunting for the dahu – sorry, the Jersey Devil, a horrible caprine cryptid equipped with bat wings believed to prowl the pine forests of the region.

The future is not what it used to be

And since Virginia is rather big, Fallout 76 will push its geographical limits with the Shenandoah region, to the south of known terrain. This magnificent valley is home to a national park somewhat disrupted by nuclear fallout, but above all by a gigantic cyclone spewing lasers, according to the first concept art. Bethesda indicates that Shenandoah will bring its share of quests, rewards and new factions.

A weather that we will modestly describe as “English”

Finally, a good MMO would be nothing without seasonal events to regularly water its faithful. Bethesda promises to accelerate the pace in the coming months with more new rewards to encourage explorers to come back and rub shoulders with the deathclaws. While the official announcement explicitly mentions the upcoming Fallout TV series, no collaboration is confirmed at this time. Hoping they don’t miss this obvious opportunity.

  • Also read | Our review of Fallout 76: Wastelanders

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