Fatal stabbings – bloody act in Upper Austria: mother of murder suspect questioned

On Tuesday, investigators from the LKA Upper Austria were able to interview the mother of the suspected 22-year-old, who is said to have stabbed his own father in his parents’ house on Friday, as a witness for the first time. The 60-year-old was in the house when the argument between father and son escalated.

“She essentially confirmed what the suspect said. There are only minor deviations,” says Alois Ebner, head of the Ried public prosecutor’s office, in the “Krone” interview. The woman explained that two shots were fired, but the father (59) did not fire them at his son, but in the direction of the wall fired. The 22-year-old is said to have tried to snatch the weapon away from him. However, the mother did not want to see the son’s nine stab wounds to his father. Ebner: “She said she didn’t notice anything about it – only outside when she saw the blood.” A jury would have to decide whether self-defense could be claimed in this case.
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