We all want trucks to deliver to stores, buses and trains to keep going, and the fire brigade to come out when there’s a fire. In business, however, there is increasing concern about how everything can continue to work when more and more people are infected with the corona virus and fail.
Business representatives are particularly concerned because federal experts are thinking about tightening the quarantine rules.
There is no reason that people who are vaccinated should not go into quarantine.
The point is that people who have been vaccinated twice also have to be quarantined for ten days if they have had contact with an infected person.
Omikron is contagious to everyone
Currently, the quarantine regulation only applies to unvaccinated people. Tanja Stadler, President of the Federal Covid Task Force, says: “We know that people who have been vaccinated are infected with Omikron in the same way as those who have not been vaccinated. There is no reason not to quarantine like unvaccinated people. “
Quarantine of any kind has a negative impact on the economy.
The employers’ association would be reluctant to accept this adjustment, as Director Roland Müller says: “Any type of quarantine burdens the economy because employees – mainly when they have to be on site – cannot come to work. On the other hand, you have to look carefully at what is health necessary and what is not. “
In order to relieve the economy, the health experts are therefore examining whether those who tested positive could return to work earlier. Currently they have to be in isolation for ten days.
USA have already cut isolation
The USA have already made a similar decision. They reduce the recommended length of isolation for people without symptoms to five days because most infections occur early in the course of the disease.
Such a thrust meets with open ears at the employers’ association: “We welcome this because it is particularly important that we can maintain security of supply in the retail trade, at the post office, Swisscom, etc.”, says the association.
There are currently two goals to be achieved: on the one hand, to slow down the spread of the virus and, on the other hand, to ensure the supply of the country.