Federal Council to reconsider joining the EEA

SVP politician Christoph Blocher was one of the most determined opponents in the 1992 vote.


eru. 30 years after failed accession to the European Economic Area (EEA), the Federal Council is to review it again. At least that’s what a postulate by the Green Liberal faction, submitted by National Councilor Roland Fischer last year, calls for. It has now been accepted by the National Council. As early as September last year, the Federal Council declared that it wanted to re-examine the advantages and disadvantages of EEA membership “taking into account the questions listed”.

The Swiss electorate rejected the referendum in December 1992 with 50.3 percent of the vote. The EEA Agreement finally came into force in 1994 with the twelve member states of the then European Community – today’s European Union – and the seven members of the European Free Trade Association.

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