Fewer constraints for tenants carrying out energy renovation work at their own expense, Actualité/Actu Immobilier

If you are tenants and wish to carry out energy renovation work at your own expense, you will now be able to do so with greater ease from 22 July. A decree published this Thursday in the official journal confirms a new derogatory regime of tacit authorization by the lessor for energy renovation work carried out at the expense of the tenant, as already exists for transformation work allowing the adaptation of housing to people in loss of autonomy or in a situation of handicap.

List of eligible works

The decree specifies in particular the list of new eligible works which were not yet known:

  • Insulation of lower floors.
  • Insulation of attics and attic ceilings.
  • Replacement of exterior joinery.
  • Sun protection for glazed or opaque walls.
  • Installation or replacement of a ventilation system.
  • Installation or replacement of a heating and domestic hot water production system and associated interfaces.

From this Thursday, July 22, the tenant who plans to carry out these energy renovation works at his own expense must send (by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt) to the owner of the accommodation, in order to obtain his agreement, a request which precisely describes the transformations envisaged and the conditions under which this work will be carried out. The company responsible for carrying out the work must be indicated.

The lessor has 2 months to respond

This request must expressly mention that pursuant to f of article 7 of the law of July 6, 1989 referred to above, in the absence of a response within the two-month period, the lessor will be deemed to have given his tacit agreement to these transformation works. . Above all, the lessor will not be able, at the end of the lease, to ask for the restoration of the premises as is already the case for work to adapt housing to people with loss of autonomy or with disabilities. Please note that the lessor can still refuse your request within this 2-month period, even if it is in his best interest to benefit from a renovation free of charge.

Within two months following the completion of the work, the tenant must certify to the lessor that the work has been carried out by the chosen company and actually corresponds to the transformation work notified and authorized by the lessor.

General case

Apart from these two derogatory regimes, the written agreement of the owner is necessary for all work constituting a transformation of the dwelling (only the fittings of the dwelling such as the refreshing of the paintings are not concerned). In the absence of this agreement, the owner may require the tenant to restore the condition at the expense of the tenant when he leaves the premises.

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