FF16 tells us about its future, and it’s a disappointment

Final Fantasy 16 will very soon welcome its second DLC: Rising Tide, while its director talks to us about the future of the title. Warning: This article contains major spoilers about the end of the game.

Square Enix has not said its last word regarding Final Fantasy. While many fans are still discovering FF7 Rebirth, or waiting for news about the sequel and end of this trilogy of remakes, the studio has already returned to work on FF16. Almost a year after its release, the last original title of the license will be entitled to a second DLC, called Rising Tide, which will be available on PlayStation 5 from April 18. This promises new quests, new areas and a whole new adventure for Clive who receives a letter telling him that he must save the Leviathan at all costs. Players will benefit from dozens of additional hours of gameplay. Can we hope for a sequel? Developers talk about the future of FF16. Warning: this article contains spoilers about the end of the game.

A third DLC for FF16?

The second round of additional content for Final Fantasy 16 will be available very soon. After Echos of the Fallen in December, it is now the turn of Rising Tide to be eagerly awaited. Promotion of the game is in full swing and we already know that this DLC will bring real added value to the storyline, but it will also give it a conclusion. It was in an interview with The Gamer that Naoki Yoshida (director and producer) and Takeo Kuraoka (director of The Rising Tide) announced that they were definitively ending the story.

According to them, after this DLC, the story of Clive and his companions will be complete. We’re not planning on making a sequel in a future without magic, with people living on their own terms. We want people to think about what would happen in a world like that. Let their imagination run wild“Yoshida explained. Here, it directly references the epilogue of FF16, where our heroes discover that magic is responsible for much suffering. For this reason, Clive then decides to make her disappear.

The developer also explains that he chose to leave an open ending, so that players can think about the consequences of such a decision. He even adds a comparison between our world, technology and the chaos it would cause if it were to be cut off overnight. “What would happen to the world? There would be panic, there would be all this chaos. But in [l’épilogue] from FF16, you have this peaceful scene of a mother and her children, but you have to think: what happened to get there?» Yoshida continued.

©Square Enix

The future of Final Fantasy is still far away, but fans are already eager to discover Final Fantasy 17. For the moment, there is no information about it, except that the license will change director. “I‘ve had the chance to work on FF14 and FF16, so maybe it’s time for someone new to come in, instead of always letting the same people take care of the next software», Thanked Naoki Yoshida in a podcast, confident for the future.

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