FF7 Remake arrives on Steam Deck but still shuns Xbox

It’s official, you can finally take Cloud, Tifa, Aerith and the whole gang wherever you go. Not on Switch but on the Steam Deck. Here is all the info.

Always not ! Two years after its release, FF7 Remake is still waiting on Xbox consoles. The title had been approached by PC players exclusively on the Epic Games Store, but it will finally open up to another platform.

FF7 Remake available on Steam Deck

Bad news for Xbox Series and Xbox One players, FF7 Remake Intergrade still won’t be coming to their consoles. Instead, Square Enix took advantage of its commemorative event to announce the game’s release on Steam on June 17, 2022. Information that had leaked a few hours before the event via the platform’s database.

The title will also be compatible with the Steam Deck to be able to take Cloud, Tifa, Aerith and Barret everywhere with you. Remember that the FF 7 Remake Intergrade edition includes the DLC centered around Yuffie and graphic improvements of all kinds. As for Xbox players, Square Enix still seems to be sulking. The console exclusivity (from Intergrade) is well over since this year, but still no sign of porting. Perhaps the rumored enhanced partnership with Sony was indeed true. In the news, Final Fantasy 7 Remake 2, finally called FF7 Rebirth has finally come to light, just like Crisis Core Reunion which will come out well on Xbox Series and One.

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