FFP2 masks, test … Fabien Roussel details the measures for his political meetings

Manon Fossat
, modified at

9:04 am, January 03, 2022

On Europe Matin Monday, the PCF candidate for the presidential election, Fabien Roussel, detailed the health measures that will be taken during his electoral meetings. Starting with the presentation of a vaccination schedule or a negative test. He will also distribute FFP2 masks to participants.

The executive announced at the end of December the establishment of gauges for major cultural and sporting events but not for political meetings while the first round of the ballot for the 2022 presidential election takes place in three months. Invited to Europe morning on Monday, the national secretary of the French Communist Party (PCF) and presidential candidate Fabien Roussel, detailed the health measures he decided to take for his electoral meetings, starting with the distribution of masks FFP2.

Gauges “proportional to space”

“We must ensure that conditions are created so that the French who wish to come to a meeting and be informed can do so without being afraid of catching the virus or of falling into a cluster. That is why we will ask the presentation of a vaccination schedule or an antigen test and we will give all participants an FFP2 mask “, he assured. “Then we will create the conditions in the room so that there is a distance of one meter between the participants, who will be seated.”

However, the national secretary of the French Communist Party explained that he would not refuse entry to people who do not present it (vaccination pass or antigen test). “The law forbids us to do so,” he continued. As for the gauge, Fabien Roussel felt that they should be established “in proportion to space”, in order to ensure that there is no spread of the virus.

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