Film project wants to create more clarity in the energy balance

Bitcoin’s energy consumption has recently come under increasing criticism. A new documentary financed by crowdfunding aims to raise awareness and put an end to the bitcoin narrative as a “climate killer”.

Recently, the criticism of Bitcoin has become louder and louder due to the negative consequences for the climate. In Germany, it was a contribution by ARD in particular that caused a stir. The one-sided tenor of the article in “Kontraste” magazine caused incomprehension even among the experts quoted in the program.

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Now, however, a group of investors and Bitcoin supporters has formed to do something about this one-sided picture. Together they have set up a crowdfunding project to finance a documentary film that declares war on Bitcoin FUD members. One of the first to promote this project was investor, podcast host and Bitcoin enthusiast Brad Mills.

I found the filmmaker (@jamie_jk) to make the definitive short film on why Bitcoin will move the world to renewable energy faster than governments

, so Mills on Twitter.

Mills’ choice of director caught the eye Jamie Kingwho has been known for his “Steal this Film” series. This is a documentary series about BitTorrent and one of the earliest examples of crowdfunded film production. In his tweets, King makes it clear that the narrative about Bitcoin’s high energy consumption got him to act.

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What is the energy debate really about? What is at stake for our freedom? Can Bitcoin Ever Be Green? Can it ever be green enough for the Bitcoin opponents?

There is no question of high energy consumption

The film project aims to provide an answer to these questions. At the time of this article, 70 percent of the film budget is already 0.5 BTC received on the platform.

King admits that Bitcoin’s energy consumption is high. The question, however, is whether the ultimate benefit justifies this energy consumption. King said in an interview with Cointelegraphthat those who instinctively answer “no” to this question have often failed to research properly. Most recently, Square presented a white paper that showed how, contrary to popular belief, Bitcoin can play an important role in the use of renewable energies.

The goal of the film project by King and Mills is therefore not to take revenge on the Bitcoin FUDlers. Rather, one would like to do educational work.


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Not only do I want to counter the idea that this is a ‘waste of energy’, I want to do something that will educate people about what an amazing thing Bitcoin is.