Final Fantasy VII: New projects will arrive in addition to the remake according to Tetsuya Nomura

Today, Final Fantasy VII celebrates its 25th anniversary, which does not make us much younger. The cult PS1 JRPG was released in Japan on January 31, 1997, and even after so many years it continues to be very popular, especially thanks to the first part of its remake, released in 2020. This remake was also the opportunity to further develop the universe of this episode, with in particular the arrival of a Battle Royale andEver Crisis, which will be released soon. And according to the thinking heads of the series, other projects Final Fantasy VII are in preparation.

This is just the beginning

To celebrate 25 years of the game, Yoshinori Kitase and Tetsuya Nomura expressed themselves through a message to thank all the fans for their support during all these years, while taking stock of what was in preparation. We will then retain the statement of Testuya Nomura, who teases other upcoming projects, in addition to the remake:

And there will be even more new Final Fantasy VII projects to come that kicked off after the remake. The team views this 25th anniversary as a milestone in our journey with Final Fantasy VII, and will continue to push forward to even greater projects, so keep supporting us in the future! »

You would have understood it, Final Fantasy VII will continue to be talked about, the time that Square Enix exhausts its goose that lays the golden eggs.

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