fire devil at work? – Fire in Billa branch: investigations are ongoing

Technical defect or even a fire devil? After the fire in the middle of Reifnitz in Carinthia, the investigations of the criminalists are in full swing.

A sea of ​​flames in the Billa branch in Reifnitz, fortunately already closed, caused a major alarm on Friday evening. Five fire brigades went out (as reported) to bring the fire raging in the front area of ​​​​the store under control. After the successful extinguishing work, the community is now puzzling: Did the fire break out due to a technical defect or did an arsonist even have his hands in the fire Game? The “Krone” asked the fire investigators in the State Criminal Police Office. Witnesses are interviewed “There is currently no evidence of third-party negligence, there is nothing to indicate arson. But expert opinions and witness interviews are still pending. Results should be available early next week.” Whether accident or crime: Until the branch can be opened again, customers will probably have to switch to Keutschach.
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