Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes Reveals New Info

While it will logically feature the iconic characters from Fire Emblem Three Houses, the latest critically acclaimed Switch episode, the main mode will have you strapped into the armor of “Sez” (or whatever battle name you can think of). in the lead), a mercenary recruited into one of the different factions. A ready-made alibi to make him rub shoulders with Edelgard, Claude, Dimitri, and all the other protagonists who will determine Fódlan’s future. As such, it will be a question of territorial domination, according to the three scenarios that you choose to follow, all symbolized a small map divided into regions with different workshops; nothing will prevent besides to negotiate with certain intermediaries to make obtain various rewards throughout the conquest.

Avatar obliges, the game will allow you to shape your character with the different abilities to unlock, the area of ​​effect of which, like the cost in Mana, obviously depends on their level as well as their efficiency. As in Fire Emblem Warriors first of the name, the player will also be free to give various orders to the allies once on the battlefield or to zap from one unit to another, in order to deal with the most urgent and contain the enemy advances . By once again taking care to study everyone’s equipment, the famous trinity of weapons still being relevant, as are simultaneous attacks with your partners. Certain strategic mechanics of Three Houses, such as that of the assistants, will indeed be back; wizards can protect you and help you unleash powerful techniques.

Once back at the base camp, it will also be possible to train the units, anticipating class changes to optimize the forces present. The typical discussions of Three Houses will affect the bonds of friendship, and more if affinities, between the different characters, in order to improve their skills in combat. The trailer ends with a small spoiler well felt, and a reminder of the release date, still set for June 24th.

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