First-aid kit: This should not be missing under any circumstances

What else do you need to take with you? That depends a lot on the destination, the time of year and the planned activities. Especially when traveling to distant and tropical countries, nausea and diarrhea can always occur. Medication for nausea and diarrhea such as electrolyte powder can provide relief.

If you spend a lot of time in nature, you should protect against insects. This also applies to trips within Germany, for example, tick prophylaxis is important when hiking through forests in southern Germany. The Center for Travel Medicine ( and the Federal Foreign Office ( provide information on travel countries and advice centers.

Of course, the first-aid kit also includes what travelers take permanently. It is advisable to pack a third more in case of flight cancellations or quarantine. A doctor’s certificate in English about the need for medication protects you from trouble at customs.

Take special care with babies and children

Caution: If you are traveling with children, you should pack child-friendly medication in appropriate dosages. Children do not tolerate some active ingredients and often have problems swallowing. With newborns and infants, however, travelers should go straight to the doctor if they have symptoms, advises Stiftung Warentest.

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