First “Avatar 2”, now “Scream 6”: Is the 3D boom back in the cinemas?


“Avatar” triggered a massive 3D boom in 2009 that only subsided years later. Now the great success of “Avatar: The Way of Water” could have similar consequences.

“Avatar: The Way of Water” knows how to use 3D (Credit: Disney)

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The announcement that “Scream 6” will hit the cinemas in 3D on March 9, 2023 surprised many fans of the horror series, after all, all previous “Scream” films were satisfied with two dimensions. But then the realization quickly comes: When was the last time numerous films were released in 3D that actually didn’t need this format? Exactly, shortly after the theatrical release of “Avatar” in 2009!

The film studios haven’t really been able to decipher the successful formula of “Avatar” yet, but 3D will certainly have something to do with it. Film fans remember with horror the hasty 3D conversions of films such as “Battle of the Titans” or “The Last Airbender”, other films such as “GI Joe – The Reckoning” were suddenly postponed by several months shortly before the cinema release in order to avoid the 3D add effects later.

This 3D boom lasted for several years, meanwhile mostly only animation and superhero films use the extra dimension. But “Scream 6” could now be the harbinger of the return of 3D movies!

Somehow, 3D has returned!

In the coming months, “Scream 6” will actually remain an exception, the other 3D films, titles such as “The Super Mario Bros. Film” or “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3”, would probably have been without the great success of “Avatar : The Way of Water” in 3D in cinemas. “Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning – Part One” is a bit more out of line, but the last Ethan Hunt adventure was subsequently converted into 3D format.

However, it is not surprising that Hollywood does not immediately have countless new 3D films to offer, after all it remains to be seen how successful “Avatar 2” will be. After “Avatar”, the 3D boom only peaked between 2011 and 2015, with up to 80 3D films a year. In recent years, this number has shrunk to an average of 20 titles.

For cinemas that modernized their halls especially for “Avatar” in 2009, this investment naturally only paid off with numerous other 3D films. In the meantime, of course, cinemas are less dependent on 3D screenings, and the majority of the higher prices for 3D cinema tickets go directly to film distribution anyway. After all, there is still some money to be made with the course of the 3D glasses!

After “Scream 6”, the next 3D film awaits us in the cinemas with “Shazam! Fury of the Gods” – again, as usual in recent years, subsequently converted. It could be until Avatar 3 starts before the next time we see a 3D movie that’s also shot in 3D.

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