Fit and slim into the new year: foods for a good metabolism

Fit and slim into the new year
Foods for a good metabolism

Legumes, beans and green vegetables are good for your metabolism.


Whether losing weight, fitness or health – an optimal metabolism is important. These foods really give him a boost.

New year, new me: Many people use the first few weeks of the year to tackle their resolutions for a healthier lifestyle. Whether it’s losing weight, improving fitness or general health – ours Metabolism plays a central role. If it is intact, it keeps the immune system and digestion active and gives us energy.

Metabolism, also known as metabolism, is a complex biochemical process in which the body converts nutrients from the food consumed into energy. It uses this energy to maintain vital functions such as breathing, heart function or regulating body temperature. In general, a fast metabolism means the body burns calories more efficiently, while a slow metabolism uses less energy. Metabolism is influenced by various factors, including genetics, muscle mass, age, gender and activity level. But there are also some foods that can contribute positively to an active metabolism.

Water and tea

It may sound simple, but drinking enough water is crucial for an efficient metabolism. Fluid promotes digestion and energy consumption. Studies show that half a liter of water accelerates the resting metabolism by ten to 30 percent per hour. To optimally support your body, you should drink at least two liters of water every day.

Unsweetened tea can also boost your metabolism – especially green tea. It is rich in antioxidants and can stimulate fat burning. In addition, due to the caffeine it contains, it is a similar stimulant to coffee. Ginger or lemon tea also works wonders when it comes to a good metabolism.

Beans and legumes

When digesting protein-rich foods, our body uses a lot of energy and therefore calories. Beans and legumes such as peas, lentils or chickpeas are among the most protein-rich plant foods and also contain a lot of fiber. They fill you up sustainably and stimulate your metabolism.

Hot spices

Chili peppers are the superstar among metabolism-stimulating foods. They contain the hot ingredient capsaicin, which briefly increases body temperature and at the same time increases calorie consumption. Other pods, such as jalapeños, also have this effect. The same applies to hot spices such as cayenne pepper, ginger, turmeric or cinnamon.

Green vegetables

Vegetables should not be missing from a healthy and balanced diet. If you add broccoli, chicory, fennel, Brussels sprouts, celery, kale and spinach to your daily diet, you will naturally stimulate your metabolism. Broccoli is rich in calcium and vitamin C, while chicory, with its bitter substances, supports the production of bile, which promotes digestion. Fennel and Brussels sprouts contain a lot of vitamin A, celery is rich in vitamin C, potassium and calcium. Kale and spinach score points with their high iron and vitamin C content.


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