Fit for the New Year: These apps help with New Year’s resolutions

Fit into the new year
These apps help with New Years resolutions

So that the good resolutions for 2022 don’t fall by the wayside: These apps help users implement them.

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Quit smoking, eat healthier, be more sporty: With these apps you can keep track of your New Year’s resolutions.

Every year there are New Year’s resolutions that are shelved a little later. It doesn’t have to be. These little app helpers support users in implementing their resolutions.

Sporty into the new year

There are plenty of sports and fitness apps, from sporting goods manufacturers as well as from independent developers. One of the best known on the market is “MyFitnessPal”that links an integrated calorie counter with completed workouts. The free application calculates consumption and requirements precisely and recommends the appropriate recipes. The app is available free of charge for Android and iOS.

The fitness and yoga app “Asana Rebel” (free for Android & iOS) not, but suitable recipes for the individual program. There are also meditation exercises, vivid videos and successful voice output. “Freeletics” (free for Android & iOS), meanwhile, promises to bring its users into the “shape of their lives”, for which several weeks of training and nutrition plans are used.

No more smoke

One of the classic resolutions for the New Year has always been: finally quit smoking! Among other things, the financial component can be a real incentive. The Get Rich or Die Smoking Android App shows how much money you actually save if you stop smoking. Special incentive: the app also shows when a user can buy an item on a wish list from the money saved by not smoking.

More on the health aspect respects the “Smoke Free” app (Android & iOS), which is translated weakly from English here and there, but also offers psychological support if the desire for the smoldering stick just doesn’t stop.

Eat better

Less discounter meat, more fruit and vegetables, a lot of water: everyone should know New Year’s resolutions in terms of health – but it is all too easy for many to quickly fall back into the old pattern. The aforementioned fitness apps, which have integrated nutritional tables and calorie calculators, are particularly helpful here. As a supplement, there is the app “Eat Smarter” (free for Android & iOS): More than 100,000 recipes are stored in the free app, which offers additional functions. Once you have found a recipe, the necessary ingredients can be added to an integrated shopping list with one click. Plus, Eat Smarter explains what the health benefits of each of the curated dishes are.

Finance and time management

If you have decided to have a better view of your finances in general, apps like “Budget Book MoneyControl” are for you Android and iOS very helpful. With the program, all income and expenses can be listed in the simplest way. The accessible user guidance makes it possible to always have full control over your bookings – even with a preview of upcoming months.

Time management is also becoming more and more important. Organizational tasks alone often take many hours in private – and at work. “Evernote” for Android and iOS helps to organize all projects, manage task lists or write notes. All information is automatically synchronized between PC, smartphone and tablet, so everything is always at hand.


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