Fit through games: how the pounds tumble through play

Fit through games
How the pounds tumble playfully

With these games, calories are burned in a playful way – for example when dancing.

© fizkes/

Sit around comfortably and gamble? Not here! These games improve our fitness in a playful way.

If you want to start spring with a great figure, you should already pay attention to your diet and do something for your fitness. Video games can also help, as the following five games show.

“Just Dance 2022”

As the title suggests, turns in “Just Dance 2022” for Sony’s PS4 and PS5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One and Google Stadia is all about dancing. Players swing their hips alone or with friends to songs like “Run the World (Girls)” by Beyoncé (40) or Camila Cabello’s (24) “Don’t Go Yet”. In “Sweat” mode, the game displays the time you danced and roughly the calories burned.

“Beat Saber”

In virtual reality game (VR) “Beat Saber” gamers also need a sense of rhythm for different VR devices on the PC and PSVR. They try to hit blocks flying towards them with digital lightsabers to the beat of the music. This can quickly become challenging and quite a workout – especially when chasing higher and higher high scores.

“Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm And Exercise”

Once again, the players pay attention to the rhythm “Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm And Exercise” for Nintendo’s Switch. However, they do exercises from the world of boxing for 23 songs. Previous knowledge is not necessary. The game is also suitable for beginners who do not yet know the difference between a jab and an uppercut.

“Ring Fit Adventure”

“Ring Fit Adventure” for the switch also gets gamers on their toes. In a colorful adventure in a fantasy world, they face opponents with different attacks based on fitness exercises. The Joy-Con controllers are connected to a large ring (Ring-Con) and a leg strap and thus transmit the movements into the game.

“Pokemon Go”

The big hype about the smartphone game “Pokemon Go” may have been over for years, but many are still playing the hit from the summer of 2016. Augmented reality games (AR) like this are just the thing for everyone who wants to take it easy and still do something for their health. Because “Pokémon Go” sends players out into the fresh air, where they can catch the little pocket monsters. And that is certainly more fun for some people than just going for a walk.


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