Fitness: You only need 2 exercises to stay fit in the long term

Effective mini workout
To stay fit you only need these 2 exercises

© Dean Drobot / Shutterstock

If we don’t move enough, we do massive damage to our health – we sleep worse, age faster, slow down our metabolism and also worsen our brain performance. Basically, any form of physical activity is good for you – this also applies to going for a walk, cleaning or doing the dishes. But in order to stay fit and healthy in the long term and to prevent cardiovascular diseases, we also need cardio workouts and strength training.

Burpees + jumping rope: The optimal exercises for sustainable health + fitness

Dr. Michael Joyner is an American doctor and physiologist who has been studying the connection between sport and physical and mental performance for many years. He particularly recommends two exercises that we can use to stay fit, healthy and productive: burpees + jumping rope.

Both are absolute power exercises because they train our endurance and build muscles at the same time. Dr. In an interview with “Business Insider”, Joyner emphasizes how important strength training is – but he is clearly in favor of the two combination exercises, which also get the cardiovascular system going.

Burpees: How to practice the push-up jump

  1. First, come from a straight position into a squat position and place both hands flat on the floor.
  2. Now jump your feet back until your legs are stretched and you land in the plank or push-up position.
  3. From the push-up, jump your feet forward again and come to a standing position.
  4. Repeat the burpees several times. You can increase the number of repetitions from training to training.

Jumping rope: You have to pay attention to this

For jumping rope, Dr. Michael Joyner uses a rope with additional weights – this way you can increase the intensity of your training and maximize the positive effect on your health. You should practice for around 30 minutes per unit. To vary it, you can also jump on one leg or slow down the pace and then increase it again.

It is important for the entire training that you alternate intensive workout days with quiet ones. This gives your body, your cardiovascular system and your muscles time to regenerate and work optimally.

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