Flirt technique: This is behind the “Traingle Method”

“Triangle Method”
Flirting technique that supposedly makes anyone fall in love with you

“Triangle method”: Does the viral dating trend keep what it promises?

A new dating trend is circulating on “TikTok”, the “Traingle Method”. In the video you will find out what it is all about and whether the flirting technique really keeps what it promises.

According to enthusiastic “TikTok” users, the “triangle method” should work better than Cupid’s arrow. In other words: If you use the viral flirting technique, your counterpart supposedly falls madly in love with you immediately. But can that really be true?

“Triangle method”: Does the flirting technique keep what it promises?

The triangle method is relatively easy to use. If you want to try them out, you should only pay attention to a few points. In the video we tell you how the “triangle method” works and whether it really works.

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