Florent Pagny sick: how he discovered his lung tumor

It is in the documentary “Florent Pagny, a free man” broadcast on TF1 on Sunday January 1, 2023 that Azucena, the singer’s wife, tells how he discovered his lung tumor.

At the end of 2021, as Florent Pagny begins a new season of The Voice as well as his 60th birthday tour, he contracts Covid-19. It was then, seeing that his cough persisted, that he discovered that he had a tumor in his lungs. “He told me: ‘As soon as I have my negative test I have to get a lung x-ray’ because afterwards, on January 25, he was attacking the tour again” explains his wife Azucena in the documentary “Florent Pagny, a free man” broadcast on TF1 on January 1, 2023. Once his lung x-ray has been done, the verdict falls. “He calls me, he was preparing his funeral” adds the wife of the singer who, at that time, I wanted to be optimistic.

Florent Pagny sick: this advice from his children to announce it

Only here, after having made extensive examinations, Florent Pagny and his wife Azucena find that “things are getting worse”. “In fact it is not operable, it is a nasty tumor. We will have to attack a violent treatment” she assures. With the chemotherapy he had to undergo, Florent Pagny was therefore unable to resume his 60-year tour that he had just started. A sad news that he had to announce to his fans. “He was starting to tell his audience that he has cancer. He is starting to make his video with details, almost giving the names of the laboratories. I said to him, ‘Are you okay? and there children also told him to post an Instagram message no more than a minute. He was raw, tough but sincere.” adds Azucena.

“I have to make a somewhat special announcement, I will not be able to continue my 60th anniversary tour, I will have to cancel all of my concerts due to a health problem”, he announced on January 25, 2022. After this announcement, Florent Pagny had followed a protocol for several months and then rested with his family. Since then, the singer regularly gives his news and they are rather reassuring.

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