Flowering all year round, hardy plants: 5 beautiful specimens

Hardy plants
We love these specimens that bloom all year round

© Mariia Boiko / Shutterstock

Winter-hardy plants that bloom all year round quickly and easily ensure that the cold, dark season doesn’t seem so dreary. We have valuable tips and the most beautiful specimens for you.

A list of winter-hardy plants that bloom all year round can be quickly compiled. Unfortunately, it is not so easy to say which of these plants are actually suitable for your garden or balcony. Because even in In Germany there are sometimes big climatic differences in autumn and winter. For example, did you know that there are five different so-called winter hardiness zones in Germany?

Winter-hardy plants that bloom all year round: What should you take into account?

Whether a supposedly winter-hardy plant can survive in your area also depends on other local conditions – for example, whether a plant is relatively protected from the wind or is free-standing in a meadow and exposed to the forces of nature. Another point is the distinction between the winter-hardy plants that bloom all year round – i.e. those that continue to have green leaves and even flowers – and the winter-hardy plants that lose their flowers and leaves but do not die, but move on to the next one in the spring “round”.

You see, there are a few things that need to be taken into account when considering hardy plants. But don’t worry, we’ll be happy to tell you all the details and which plants have a good chance of survival even in cold, snow and ice.

What are hardiness zones and which one do you live in?

There are basically 13 different winter hardiness zones worldwide. An average value of low temperatures is used to determine different climate zones. In Germany, winter hardiness zones 5 to 8 predominate; only in higher areas such as the high Alps are in the ranges 4 to 5.

The winter hardiness zones are based on measurements since 1975; They were last adjusted in 2012. We have put together a small table for you to give you a rough guide.

© Gala

What does “hardy plants” mean?

The general term “hardy plants” simply means that the plant does not die in winter. As already indicated above in the text, there is a crucial division regarding plants that are suitable for the winter outdoors. Because winter-hardy plants include those that “merely” survive and those that continue to present more than bare branches and stems. Numerous bulbous plants and bulbous flowers have to be planted in the ground in autumn so that they can bloom from January or February onwards. Unfortunately, you can’t expect a display of flowers in November and December.

If you actually want to rely on a flowering, winter-hardy plant, you could be helped by a so-called winter bloomer. With this category of plants you can often enjoy a splendor of color as early as December, but at the latest from January onwards.

Which winter-hardy plants (blooming all year round) are there?

Basically, you can distinguish between three main groups of winter-hardy plants that bloom all year round.

  1. Bulb flowers
  2. hardy grasses and tuberous plants
  3. hardy perennials

Unfortunately, not all of the plants that are considered hardy are also flowering plants all year round. Good examples of onion flowers are crocuses or daffodils, which are hardy and survive the first few months – but they will only bloom from around February. The situation is different with autumn cyclamen. These usually bloom from September to November/December; After that, the early spring cyclamen take over and bloom from January or February.

Here is a list of hardy plants:

Here is a list of the so-called winter bloomers:

When should you plant hardy plants?

When it comes to garden and balcony planting, most people probably think of spring. But you can still design and plant wonderfully in late summer and autumn, sometimes even into December. The only requirement: no ground frost! As long as you – for example with a special one Flower bulb planter – If you can easily loosen up the soil and prepare it for the new planting, everything is possible. If you plant new perennials etc. in autumn, you can add a layer of mulch straight away and give your hardy plants a little additional protection from the cold.


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