Focus Entertainment announces the acquisition of the majority of BlackMill Games (WWI Verdun, Tannenberg and Isonzo)

Focus Entertainment also wants to ensure its future by buying promising studios. He already has under his wing Deck13 Interactive, Stream On Studio, DotEmu and recently Leikir Studio. He will now recover a sixth studio, in which he will simply hold a majority and not all of the assets.

The French publisher has just announced that it has signed an agreement to buy out M2H 66.67% of the capital of WW1 Game Series BVnow known as Black Mill Gamesa Dutch team of about fifteen people to whom we owe the games on the First World War WWI Verdun, Tannenberg and isonzo, which will be released this September 13 on PC and consoles. Jos Hoebe, the studio’s current director, has chosen to retain the 33.33% stake in order to continue to run his business calmly.

“This acquisition is an excellent new franchise in the portfolio of Focus Entertainment and its talent federation. The studio, which has already demonstrated its DNA and its strong identity, has solid expertise in offering multiplayer FPS experiences that are as immersive as they are authentic. The WW1 Game Series franchise is one of the benchmarks for shooters taking the First World War as a backdrop,” said Christophe Nobileau, President of Focus Entertainment. “We look forward to working with Jos and his team to continue to deliver unique new experiences. »

“I’m proud and excited to see the upcoming release of Isonzo, and the beginning of the collaboration with the teams of Focus Entertainment, a more experienced partner who will be able to grow the series so that it goes down in history. The WW1 Games series will undoubtedly benefit from Focus’ experience in the FPS arena. announces Jos Hoebe, CEO of BlackMill Games. “Fans of our games can expect the same dedication and passion that has driven us for the past decade with Verdun and Tannenberg, but taken to new heights with Isonzo and this partnership. »

“It’s an exciting time with this acquisition, the launch of Isonzo and the opportunity to fully focus on our new adventure with M2H,” added Matt Hergaarden of M2H. “We know that the WW1 Game Series franchise will benefit from the combined skills of Jos and Focus Entertainment and we are confident that they will be able to grow it together. Although we are eager to start working on our future project, we will be sure to pass on our knowledge and expertise over the coming year to ensure a smooth transition. We can’t wait to see what the new owners bring to the WW1 Game Series franchise. »

Focus believes that “this acquisition should make a slight contribution to the 2022/2023 financial year” and therefore clearly already sees WWI isonzo achieve great success. You can get it in Deluxe Edition from €39.99 per Fnac.

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