Food supplements for top in & out beauty

Holistic beauty is at its peak, food supplements are part of this global approach of the quest for well-being and its famous statement “feel good in your head, in your skin, in your body”. Zoom in on these feel good allies!

What about food supplements?

They are true concentrates of nutrients, vitamins, trace elements and minerals with nutritional and physiological benefits. We can also find there plants, prebiotics and probiotics, essential fatty acids, enzymes. Their role is to supplement a daily and balanced diet. Whether sold in pharmacies, beauty institutes, online, … they are subject to European regulations guaranteeing consumer safety.

The reason for their success?

We can eat healthy and the 5 fruits and vegetables a day recommended, play sports, have a well-stocked beauty vanity, a skincare routine with the line, no one is safe from losing control of a healthy lifestyle. well orchestrated. For good reason, the pressure of an ultra connected job to combine with a family life, outings to decompress which sometimes have a twisting effect, not to mention the changes of seasons, pollution, … The list of turbulences (in cascade) is long with undesirable effects on our shape and visible on our face. Food supplements then come to reinforce our natural capital, a boost in a small gesture which as a bonus can meet targeted objectives, tone, detox, slimming, beauty of the skin, hair, etc.

Which galenic to choose?

Food supplements are available in all forms: capsules, capsules, liquid, powder, sachet, chewable candy-style gummies, whatever their galenic, the result is identical! The latter is very successful, its taste advantage ticks the box immediate pleasure and generates better compliance, the key to optimal results since food supplements are to be consumed as a cure. So we put on a practical galenic, a choice specific to each (e) and if a tasty taste is present, it is the guaranteed bonus of a regular intake.

To track your best ally, check out our selection!

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