Football The Greens are cursed



Nothing is going anymore. The wheel of misfortune is turning even faster against the Greens.

While Pascal Dupraz’s players mastered the game, they lost in added time (90and +5) and concede their sixth victory in a row in the league. Blame it on a lack of control in front of goal when it comes to realizing opportunities. The maintenance is moving away and it will take a real miracle to rectify the situation.

At kick-off, they were promised hell from the North. Faced with Blood and Gold that make everything they touch shine. With a workforce strongly impacted by the Covid and the players leaving to compete in the African Cup of Nations (CAN), ASSE did not have all the weapons to face the Artésiens. At least we believed it. Because it is Yvann Maçon in relay with Thioub who…

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