Former adviser to Donald Trump – New York prosecutors indict Steve Bannon – News

  • New York prosecutors have filed charges against former adviser to ex-US President Donald Trump.
  • She accuses him of fraud, money laundering and conspiracy.

Specifically, the indictment is about the organization “We Build The Wall”, through which donations were collected for the construction of a wall to Mexico. Steve Bannon allegedly wrongfully paid out $15 million in donations to himself and others.

“It is a crime to make a profit by lying to donors, and in New York you will be held accountable for it,” Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg said. The Manhattan Attorney’s Office may have jurisdiction in the case because some of the donors lived in New York.

Because of this affair, Bannon was first charged in 2020 on suspicion of fraud and money laundering. The former Trump advisor was temporarily arrested in August 2020 on suspicion of having embezzled large sums of money from donations together with three accomplices.

pardon shortly before the end of office

However, Steve Bannon never came to trial in the case. Donald Trump pardoned him on January 19, 2021 – one day before the end of his term. In response to the impending re-arraignment, Bannon has said it was a “sham investigation” against him just two months before the midterm elections to Congress. He accused the judiciary of “armed partisan politicization”.

Just six weeks ago, a Washington court found Bannon guilty of obstructing Congress after refusing to testify before the investigative committee into the January 6, 2021, storming of the Capitol.


Steve Bannon has to explain himself in court again, this time over allegedly embezzled donations.

Keystone/Peter Foley

Trump appointed Bannon his campaign manager in 2016. After Trump took office in January 2017, Bannon, known for his Islamophobic positions, became chief strategist in the White House. After a falling out with Trump, he was released about six months later. Nevertheless, the two remained close and were in touch the day before Trump supporters stormed the Capitol.

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