foster children speak in a report


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The government will receive in person, Saturday, November 20, 2021, a report written by more than a thousand children of the Child welfare (ASE), highlighting their living conditions.

We only hear them too rarely, and they have a lot on their minds to express. Based on an idea from Gautier Arnaud-Melchiorre, a 26-year-old student who himself had known Social Aid for Children (ASE), a report combining the testimonies of more than a thousand children in care must be submitted. to the government, Saturday, November 20, 2021, as reported West France. It will be given by hand to Adrien Taquet, the Secretary of State for Children, in the presence of 240 placed minors. In this long text, these young people have brought many avenues for improving their daily lives: better access to cultural outings, more pocket money to buy clothes they like or so that they can go to the hairdresser. , no longer drive them to school in vans bearing the logo of the social center, authorize the right to attachment for educators and outings on vacation with the host family… “I feel like a parcel“, lamented in the report one of the concerned.

While “their opinion is not taken into account“, they ask”be involved in decisions that affect them“. After having met an anthology of children and adolescents in homes and foster families across France, author Gautier Arnaud-Melchiorre is firm:”These are the places of reception that must adapt to children.

A charter of rights for protected children

The multi-page document points to “major malfunctions“of which minors are victims, such as prostitution, sexual assault between young people in care, traumatic ruptures, or their abandonment by the ASE as soon as they become adults. The report will be accompanied by a” charter of rights for protected children “. First point ? “I have the right to be a child or a teenager like any other.

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