Four gifts related to Bitcoin and Co.

Christmas is just around the corner and you are looking for a suitable gift from the crypto space? We got you covered! From newcomers to DeFi professionals, from cheap to extravagant and books to ledger wallets – there is something for everyone here. And the best thing: you get most of the gifts straight away – no long wait for DHL and Co.

1. Knowledge is power: BTC-ECHO masterclasses and the BTC-ECHO Plus+ subscription

The bull market is just around the corner and friends and family are asking you: How do I create a crypto portfolio? What do I have to pay attention to when investing? The perfect gift: the new BTC-ECHO Masterclass from Miss Crypto for crypto beginners. 34 lessons in just under 1.5 hours: Everything newbies need to know about investing in crypto. For advanced users, we also have a new masterclass on DeFi.

Otherwise, the best gift for crypto enthusiasts this Christmas is still: our BTC-ECHO Plus+ subscription. The first month is available for 1 euro, then for 9.90 euros per month, all news and hundreds of articles with exciting backgrounds, exclusive research and interviews. Unique in German-speaking countries.

2. For the grandchildren: the Bitcoin savings plan

The best way to invest in Bitcoin and Co.: a savings plan. If you regularly invest a certain amount, you don’t have to worry about the highly volatile prices. Because he buys at an average price. And long term. In this way, Bitcoin has always been a profitable business. You can read how to set up a Bitcoin savings plan here. Click here to find the best providers.

3. To browse: Bitcoin bestsellers and crypto crime novels

Or are you looking for the perfect introduction to the cosmos of Bitcoin this Christmas? Then we recommend the Spiegel bestseller “The Orange Pill” by Zeit journalist Ijoma Mangold. It’s been a long time since anyone has summed up the fascination with digital gold in such an exciting and understandable way. Alternatively, also recommended: the Bitcoin book from Reclam.

If you like crime: In “Going Infinite” Edelfeder Michael Lewis takes apart the billion-dollar FTX scandal, the material is already being made into a film. “Number Go Up” by Zecke Faux brilliantly outlines the rapid rise and fall during the recent hype.

4. For the crypto geek: a hardware wallet

The safest way to store cryptocurrencies yourself is with a hardware wallet. Absolute security, easy to use: If you have a lot of digital assets, you can’t avoid the stylish sticks. With 50 euros you are already there. Here you will find a selection.

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