France-The European flag no longer flies under the Arc de Triomphe

PARIS, January 2 (Reuters) – The flag of the European Union displayed on Saturday under the Arc de Triomphe in Paris to mark the start of the French presidency of the European Union was withdrawn on Sunday after an outbreak of political debate.

Several right-wing and far-right candidates had denounced this government initiative, Marine Le Pen even announcing her intention to lodge an appeal in the Council of State and a ref-suspension.

The former president of the National Rally (RN) greeted Sunday “a beautiful patriotic victory” about the withdrawal of the flag.

The Secretary of State for European Affairs, Clment Beaune, had explained that the deployment of the EU flag was scheduled for “a few days”.

France has been running the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union since Saturday until June 30.

(Written by Marc Angrand)

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