Franck Dubosc confides in the death of his father


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Franck Dubosc’s father died in 2002, when he was suffering from Charcot’s disease. Her son has decided to tell this story in a TV movie, The Last Part, which will air this Monday, November 8.

Franck Dubosc was very touched by the death of his father. The latter, who left in 2002, suffered fromhas Charcot’s disease, a progressive neurological disease that primarily affects the motor system of the human body. The actor and director wanted to tell this moment of his life in the TV movie The last part, broadcast this Monday, November 8 from TF1. “Almost everything is true, the difference is in the details, for example my character is not an actor but a lawyer“, he explained to Free noon. Another difference: the moment he learned that his father had decided to die. In the film, Christophe Maquet learns that his father is going to be euthanized on the day he receives the Legion of Honor. In real life, Franck Dubosc’s mother told him this sad news while he was performing at the Olympia. “Instead of looking around the room, she stared at me and said: ‘Daddy is going to die on Tuesday’. Then she asked me if I was okay with it. What to answer to that?“he explained to West France.

Interviewed in 50’min Inside, Franck Dubosc then revealed a little more about the relationship he had with his father, who gave birth to this TV movie. “We didn’t say ‘I love you’ he left convinced that I was ashamed of his social condition.” In Midi-Free, he clarified that he grew up in “a time when there was a strong modesty“.”People my age had a hard time saying I love you to their father, there was something manly between father and son.“Fairly modest with his father, he wanted to thank him in his own way and claimed to be”very proud of him“.” All we dream of is not up to parents to bring it to us, it is up to us to go and get it (…). He let me do in my will to be an actor, that’s all i asked“, he confided to Midi-Free.

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A name for a film that is not trivial

Franck Dubosc, who is celebrating his 58th birthday this Sunday, November 7, has decided to pay homage to his father even in the name of the TV movie. Indeed, The last part refers to a particular moment in her relationship with her father. “We often argued with my father while playing scrabble and we decided to do a last part. I wondered if I would let him win – I still blame myself for having had that thought – and then I let it go and he won. We said goodbye like that“, he told our colleagues.

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