Frank Zander: He reached an agreement with his landlord

Frank Zander
He has come to an agreement with his landlord

Good news for Frank Zander.

© imago / Future Image

A “fair solution” was found: After the dispute with his landlord, Frank Zander can look forward to an “amicable settlement”.

Relief for Frank Zander (79): As the musician announced on Facebook, there is an “amicable settlement” in the legal dispute between him and his landlord. The dispute began over a year ago.

The reason for the dispute was apparently renovation measures and the expansion of the attic. Zander has lived in the building in Berlin for over 50 years. The message on Facebook now says from the landlord’s side that both sides have “taken a step towards each other, were able to clear up misunderstandings and have found a fair solution that both sides can live with”. There was also an apology “for the inconvenience during the construction work”.

I “overreacted”

Frank Zander says: “I overreacted at the time due to my stressful life situation and would like to expressly apologize for the unnecessary verbal derailments with Mr. Pribil.”

The singer also said the “BZ”: “The past years and months have not been easy for us. Now I am concentrating on supplying the homeless and needy with the Caritas food truck before Christmas.” Zander organizes this Christmas dinner for people in need every year.


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