Free corona rapid tests: From Saturday they will be available to all citizens again

Free corona rapid tests
From Saturday they will be available to all citizens again

The managing Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn is concerned about the sharp rise in the number of corona infections.

© imago images / Political-Moments

From Saturday, all Germans can again be tested for the corona virus free of charge. The reason is the rapidly increasing number of infections.

From Saturday (November 13th), all citizens will again be entitled to a free antigen rapid test at least once a week. That lays a corresponding regulation which the acting Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (41) signed on Friday (November 12th). The vaccination or convalescence status no longer plays a role.

Offer had been restricted a month ago

The free test offer was severely restricted a month ago following a decision by Chancellor Angela Merkel (67) and the Prime Minister. However, the federal government is now making a backward roll in view of the sharp rise in the number of corona infections.

Federal Minister of Health Spahn explained his decision with the following words: “Vaccination makes the decisive difference – that continues to apply – but it takes time before it can develop its full effect.” One must therefore “test more quickly in this situation”. “It has been agreed that we will reintroduce the free rapid tests.”


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