Free promotion – Heavy flu season expected: vaccination from November

This year’s large-scale free flu vaccination campaign will start soon in Vienna: From November 2 to March 31, 2022, all people over the age of seven months who have their main focus of life, training or work in the federal capital can be vaccinated. Appointments can be made online from October 25th or by calling 1450. The Impfbim is also on the move again.

“A total of around 450,000 influenza vaccination doses are available and we are very happy to be able to offer this campaign again this year across the board, at a low threshold and free of charge for the Viennese population. Our healthcare system is still being challenged by the corona pandemic. In addition to self-protection, a flu vaccination is also an important contribution to protect others and to keep the burden on our hospitals and our health system as low as possible, ”said City Councilor for Health Peter Hacker (SPÖ), encouraging the population to take advantage of it.

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Heavy flu season expected
And the President of the Vienna Medical Association, Thomas Szekeres, emphasized: “Like Corona, the flu can be prevented by a vaccination. I therefore appeal to everyone – go to your family doctor, take your child to your pediatrician or to a vaccination center and also get vaccinated against the flu. Unfortunately, it is to be feared that the flu season will be heavy this year. With a vaccination you are safe from this infectious disease, which is not so harmless. “

“Viruses whistle on city limits and registration papers”
Not only residents with their main residence in the federal capital can get vaccinated in Vienna. “Viruses whistle on city limits and registration forms”, says Peter Lichtmayer, head of the flu vaccination division in the Vienna Health Service (MA15). The aim is to set up “a Viennese immunological firewall” through the broadest possible range of low-threshold options in the city, which should protect elderly high-risk people and risk groups with underlying diseases from the particularly dangerous double infections.

Impfbim on the way from December
Those wishing to vaccinate have numerous options for the sting: with resident doctors, in one of the seven vaccination centers of the health service, in the Austria Center Vienna, in the vaccination centers of the health insurance companies, in medical facilities, nursing homes or senior citizens’ homes, social institutions and with company doctors. The Impfbim will be in operation from December.

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