French fugitive arrested in Indonesia after 20 years on the run

A French fugitive, sentenced in absentia to life imprisonment for a double murder, was arrested in Indonesia after his boat suffered damage from a storm, ending a run of more than 20 years.

Thierry Ascione, 62, and a compatriot, had to dock on October 3 in the Talaud Islands, located between the Philippines and Indonesia, to seek help to repair their sailboat. Authorities arrested them for illegal stay in Indonesia, local police chief Lendi Hutabarat said on Thursday. “Their navigation system was damaged due to the strong waves“, The official told AFP in Talaud.

Thierry Ascione was hiding in his boat when the police questioned and arrested his compatriot who was trying to get a SIM card on the island. Police then visited the boat and found the fugitive without a passport. The two men were arrested and then transferred to immigration authorities. They are now in the city of Manado, north of the Celebes.

Novly TN Momongan, immigration officer for neighboring Sangihe Islands, confirmed the detention of the two French people, adding that the fugitive had tried to conceal his identity by ensuring that his passport had been stolen in the Philippines. “The French embassy has issued a request for legal aid for the arrest of TA who is on the Interpol red list in connection with a murder caseยป, Indicated the official, designating the fugitive by his initials.

Thierry Ascione was sentenced in 2001 in France to life imprisonment. He is considered to be the organizer of the assassination of a couple of French restaurateurs in Guatemala in December 1991. On the run after the events, he was arrested at Roissy airport in Paris in 1995, then released on parole in 2000 but disappears six months before the start of his trial. The Paris Assize Court sentenced him to life imprisonment in absentia.

Since that time he has lived in several countries and most recently in the Philippines. He tried to sail to New Caledonia to receive health care, according to a source familiar with the matter, before seeing his two-decade run end in Indonesia. Known as a little Marseillais mobster, and already convicted eleven times, Thierry Ascione arrived in Guatemala in 1991, and had converted into business to try to sell trucks to the military junta. The man had left Guatemala City, the capital of the Central American country, just after the double murder, in January 1992, for Miami. He had emptied the bank accounts of the victims, before leaving for Asia.

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