Frenchman detained in Iran goes on hunger strike

PARIS (Reuters) – Benjamin Brire, a French tourist incarcerated in Iran since the spring of 2020 on charges of espionage, has started a hunger strike, his lawyer and sister announced in a statement on Monday.

The French authorities maintain regular contacts with him and he was contacted on Monday by the Thran embassy, ​​declared the deputy spokesperson for the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Benjamin Brire was arrested in May 2020 after having flown a recreational drone in a desert area near the border between Iran and Tajikistan. He is accused of espionage and propaganda against the Islamic Republic.

“The feeling of helplessness – and dismay – of Benjamin Brire has just led him to start a hunger strike, in order to alert the Iranian authorities – and the French authorities – to the absurdity of his detention”, declared his sister and his lawyer in a press release.

(Mimosa Spencer report, French version Marc Angrand)

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