friend or foe of our hair?

A so-called “miracle” product, baking soda is a multifunction ingredient whose virtues are known and recognized in many fields. It is clear that that of beauty is not left out… But then, do baking soda and hair care go hand in hand? The answer in this article !

Natural and economical, it is said that baking soda would have as much its place in daily household chores as in our beauty products. Indeed, many praise the merits of this ingredient unlike any other for oral hygiene, the beauty routine of the skin or even that of the hair … The problem is that others, on the contrary, judge the baking soda too abrasive to be considered as genuine care. Here it is on the hair that we put the focus.

In recent years, the trend of no-poo has made people talk about her, you know: this method straight from the United States which aims to stop using chemicals in her hair and to space washings as much as possible. Baking soda is therefore the ideal alternative to traditional shampoos: sanitizer, natural, inexpensive, easy to find in supermarkets … Could this be the perfect ingredient for our hair? Nothing is less sure. We now explain how its use can be beneficial for our hair, but also why should not be abused. Zoom on the baking soda!

Baking soda: what is it?

To begin with, you should know that the terms “sodium bicarbonate” and “food baking soda” are both synonyms for “baking soda”. There is no difference between these three appellations: in each case it is a question ofcrystalline powder recognizable by its white color, pure, odorless and which exists in its natural state. Multifunctional, baking soda is today mainly used for its cleansing virtues exceptional. And yet, as we were telling you, there is more to this than the capacity of action of baking soda, which can be used almost everywhere and for everything. But beware, this has limits and abrasiveness baking soda is obviously not for nothing. Before tackling the subject of the precautions to be taken with this ingredient, let’s first take a look at the craze that reigns around it when it comes to taking care not only of the hair, but also of the scalp.

What does baking soda do for hair and scalp?

Known for effectively removing dirt, baking soda is unmatched for cleanse the scalp and rid the hair of all impurities which accumulate there (sebum, dandruff, dust, lime, silicones, pollution, etc.). This ingredient is therefore ideal in case of change of hair routine or itchy scalp (in any case, when these are caused by the accumulation of impurities and not by local irritations). Another utility, often overlooked, baking soda can also be used to make disgorging a hair color. Indeed, the latter acts as a natural bleach by lifting the scales of the hair. So, if you want to get rid of your coloring as quickly as possible, baking soda may be one of the solutions available to you. Finally, this ingredient can also be used to prevent yellowing of your hair by removing residues that may be responsible for the appearance of such reflections.

Different Ways to Use Baking Soda in Your Hair

In order to benefit your hair and / or your scalp from the benefits of baking soda, you can proceed in different ways depending on the desired results and the needs of your hair. Decryption:

  • Baking soda as a dry shampoo : directly applied to the roots, the baking soda will act like a 100% natural dry shampoo and will take care of eliminating the sebum found on the scalp. For such use, baking soda should be used neat, that is, dry and not mixed with anything else.
  • Baking soda shampoo : for the most practical use, just add a teaspoon of baking soda to your usual shampoo. Be careful, then be sure to alternate the use of this shampoo with that of a more classic shampoo so as not to dry out your hair over use.
  • The baking soda mask : another possibility, apply baking soda in the form of a mask in your hair from time to time, when the need arises. To do this, the recipe to make is extremely simple: you just need to mix a good quantity of baking soda with water that you add little by little, until you obtain a paste that is neither too liquid. nor not enough. You can then spread it on your scalp and your lengths, leave on for two to three minutes, then rinse everything with clear water (and preferably cold, so as to close the scales of the hair).
  • Baking soda to clean your hairbrush : if baking soda is perfect for purifying hair and scalp by ridding them of their impurities, you can also use it to clean your hairbrush (an essential habit, too often neglected). For this, you just need to fill a bowl with lukewarm water, in which you will add three to five teaspoons of baking soda, before soaking the hairbrush. A few hours later, it is cleaned of the residues that accumulated there!

Baking soda: take care of your hair!

While it is undeniable that baking soda has real purifying properties, which can benefit the hair and scalp, such hair care is not recommended for everyone and should in all cases be handled with care. The reason for this? Although it is natural and non-allergenic, baking soda is a product that can be aggressive if used too frequently or on a scalp and hair that is too fragile. Indeed, while it is generally advisable to apply products respecting the average pH of the hair – which is most of the time between 4.5 and 5.5 – that of baking soda is around the 9. It is this high pH which will promote the opening of the hair cuticles and thus their drying out in the long run. This is why, if your scalp is irritated, your skin is generally sensitive, or your hair tends to be dry, fine, brittle, damaged or chemically smoothed (Brazilian straightening), we recommend that you do not use baking soda for hair care. It is the same if you value your hair color and do not want disgorging it faster.

How often to use with baking soda?

If your scalp and your hair are in good health – in other words: not particularly sensitive or fragile – in this case, you can use baking soda … But be careful, always respecting a certain frequency of use. Once your hair is purified with the baking soda, you won’t need to repeat the process too regularly, in which case you risk making it counterproductive. This is why, a use every two weeks or even once a month seems largely sufficient. Of course, it is up to you to adapt the frequency according to the nature of your hair and its needs. But remember that the baking soda stays an abrasive solution the positive effects of which can quickly switch to the negative in the event of excessive use. Be careful!

Baking soda foot bath recipes

Writer for several sections, Mélissa is a journalist passionate about her profession. Nothing escapes her and it is with you that she shares all her finds …

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